all the colours of the Philippines, designed your way​
Tropical Experience Travel Services - Tours of the Philippines
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Terms and Conditions
Note: to see our legal documents, click here.
Acceptance of Agreement
This website is provided by Tropical Experience Travel Services, with legal address in Cainta, Philippines. We reserve the right to terminate the access to this website or other websites managed by us (and the related services or a part of them) anytime and without notice. The users are kindly requested to carefully read all the present terms and conditions: entering this website, you accept these terms and conditions which govern the transactions and are binding on the Users. All rights and liabilities of us and the Users should be restricted to the scope of the present agreement.
The receipt of your final payment means that you have read all these terms and conditions and you have totally accepted them. All the following terms and conditions are the base of the agreement between us, Tropical Experience Travel Services and you, our customers. If you are booking for other people, those people should be comprised in this agreement and you are responsible for communicating the whole content of this agreement to them.
The latest Agreement will be posted on this website without notice to you: it is your own responsibility to check the updated terms and conditions online.
Your itinerary
The term “travel” includes any combination of flights from your arrival in the Philippines to your leaving time from the Philippines and includes hotels, resorts, accommodations, excursions, transfers, rentals etc. that are organized by us in your behalf for the agreed time and in the agreed places within the itinerary proposal you will accept or already accepted. We don’t reserve and/or buy for you international flights from your origin to the Philippines and back or from the Philippines to the next destination country: this purchase it is your responsibility and it is not included within our itineraries and prices.
If your booking includes flights, accommodations or other services, provided by someone other than Tropical Experience Travel Services, then your contract shall be subject to the conditions set forth by that company, or in the case of an airline, the airline's applicable booking conditions.
Any arrangements which you make while on your vacation and which are not made through us are ones for which we have no responsibility or liability.
Booking, Deposit and Final Payment
The quotation you will receive comes with a validity date. A new quotation shall be computed once the validity date expires.
The quotation's validity period may vary depending on the inquiry date and the travel dates. Generally, the quotation's validity period will be a minimum of 2 months before the day of arrival in the Philippines/start of the tour. But it could be agreed differently, with case-by-case evaluation on our prerogative.
We mainly have 2 booking procedures:
1- Full payment, to be executed on or before the validity date;
2- Partial payment ("deposit") before a 1st validity date, "final payment" before a 2nd validity date.
The payments should be strictly made on or before the due dates. Failure to pay within the given deadlines will automatically cancel your reservation. In case of failure to pay on the identified due date of the final payment, we will automatically cancel the trip and deposit will not be refunded, not even partially.
We strongly suggest reservations made 60 days before the first day of the tour. Anyway, it is the discretion of Tropical Experience Travel Services to accept or refuse reservations made less than 60 days before the itinerary's starting date.
Paying the partial or final amounts means that you accept all the terms, conditions, details and quotations of the itinerary you received, that you are invited and encouraged to read carefully.
Group quotations will only be valid when all of the members of the group have made payments on time. The tour is not considered booked and will not be organized unless everyone in the group has complied with payment deadlines. Incomplete group payments will be considered as cancellation for all members. The members who regularly paid will be refunded following the rules of cancellation.
For reservations to be valid, guests' personal data are needed for the organization of the tour and are to be relayed to Tropical Experience Travel Services before the deadline of the payment. In case of separate payments in different dates, the data has to be communicated before the deadline of the deposit. The details of these data requirement will be communicated by e-mail.
A Payment Confirmation will be released and sent only after the payment of both the deposit (if required) and/or the final amount of the price. All the reservations without the effective payment received on time will be cancelled and the deposit will not be refunded. The referral date will be the execution date on your bank receipt. Tropical Experience has the right to require you to send your bank receipt by e-mail for verification purposes.
By booking with us, it is undertaken that you accept these booking conditions.
These conditions, with the other information available on this website and the agreed itinerary you received or will receive, constitute the agreement between you and us.
In order to provide flexibility in the organization of your tour, you may find different and/or more specific terms and conditions of payments and deadlines on your Proposal and quotation. In these cases, the information written on the Proposal you received will prevail on the current terms and conditions.
Notice that in those cases, the Proposal might indicate also different timing and refund percentages for the cancellation of the trip. The new terms and conditions will be indicated on the Proposal itself will prevail over the current terms and conditions.
Draft Proposal
Draft Proposals and quotations are proposals not indicating any travel dates and/nor any deadline of payment. These Proposals are made for those inquiring clients who have not defined their travel dates and/or are undecided on their booking dates yet. Draft Proposals are not binding and the quotation is a mere approximation of a possible price of a hypothetical tour. Only Proposals indicating payment deadlines and travel dates are considered binding for both parties.
Booking Through Third Party Intermediaries/Travel Agencies
If the tour is booked by an "Intermediary" (like a third party Travel Agency), the same Terms and Conditions of this page will apply (as well as those additional or different terms and conditions included in the proposal which will prevail).
In this case, the Intermediary is intended to be the client of Tropical Experience Travel Services. All the current terms and conditions apply to the Intermediary.
The final clients (the "Travelers") will always refer to their Intermediary for payments, cancellations and all connected issues.
At the same time, all the Terms and Conditions applicable to the execution of the tour apply to the Travelers as well, which are responsible for the correct execution and application of the current Terms and Conditions.
The Proposal and quotation released by Tropical Experience Travel Services must be always forwarded in complete form by the "Intermediary" to the Travelers. The Intermediary agrees to always forward the exact quotation given by Tropical Experience Travel Services to the Travelers. In case of failure to do so, Tropical Experience Travel Services fully holds the right to communicate the agreed price as well as to forward the original and complete Proposal to the Travelers.
If an Intermediary fails to forward the complete and original Proposal and the corresponding quotation to the client, we will not accept any further reservation from the said Intermediary. If verified that the Proposal and quotation were not correctly and completely forwarded to the Travelers before their payment to the Intermediary, the tour will be considered as cancelled; the eventual refunds and damage to the Travelers will be sole responsibility of the fallacious Intermediary.
We exclusively work with regularly licensed Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Travel Consultants or other kind of intermediaries that are fully authorized to sell tours in their own countries. The booking intermediaries are assumed to follow these regulations, anyway it's sole responsibility of the final clients (the Travellers) to investigate the features of the Intermediary they choose. Tropical Experience Travel Services has absolutely no responsibility for the fallacious or illegal behavior of the Intermediary.
Methods of Payments
We accept payments through bank transfers and through PayPayl with the use of your credit cards. Kindly understand that the method of payment should be agreed on before the quotation is made, since charges vary.
Bank Payments
Payments, both for reservation down payment and final payment, should be made in this bank account:
To: Tropical Experience Travel Services
BDO Unibank, Inc.
Account number: 0083 1004 0259
Swift code: BNORPHMM
The amount of the commissions will depend on your bank. We don’t pay for your bank transfer commissions. You are kindly requested to pay using the currency specified in your itinerary and quotation (you are requested to indicate your currency at the beginning of the transaction, with the currency specified only by us).
After we receive your payment, you will receive our confirmation, together with additional documents useful for your travel.
Credit Cards/PayPal Payments
We accept also payments through mayor credit cards through PayPal (see page "Contact and Booking"). Notice that an Order of Payment for Paypal Payment Authorization must be received from Tropical Experience Travel Services through E-mail before making the transaction. Once received, you can proceed with the payment by clicking on the PayPal button you'll find in the page "Contact and Booking".
Payments done without receiving the proper official Order of Payment will not be accepted and will be refunded as soon as possible, deducted from eventual fees.
Cancel the booking and refund
It will be regretful if you need to cancel your travel, but we know that it might happen. Cancelling the travel anyway will bring some penalties. You can cancel your travel anytime and you will be refunded following the following rules for cancellation. The cancellation has to be made by the person who made the original booking. You will receive a refund as stated below. The 10% deposit is not refundable.
Cancellation within 60 days or more before your travel starting date: 90% of the final quotation amount paid will be refunded to the client.
Cancellation within 31-59 days before your travel starting date: 70% of the final quotation amount paid will be refunded to the client.
Cancellation within 15-30 days before your travel starting date: 30% of the final quotation amount paid will be refunded to the client.
Cancellation within 8-14 days before your travel starting date: 15% of the final quotation amount paid will be refunded to the client.
Cancellation within 7 days and 1 day before your travel starting date: 10% of the final quotation amount paid will be refunded to the client.
Cancellation less than 24 hours before your travel starting date: no refund.
For the “travel starting date”, we meant the day of your arrival in the Philippines as specified in your itinerary.
The cancellation should be communicated writing an e-mail. It is possible to cancel the trip until 24 hours before the start of the tour.
No refund will be given to who will not show up at the start of the itinerary.
No refund will be due to you in respect to the non-utilization of any part of the travel arrangements made
for you.
No refund will be due if payments are not done within the deadlines specified in the travel proposal/itinerary.
We don’t provide any international tickets to and out the Philippines: for the tickets bought by you we don’t have any liability and we don’t provide any reimbursement.
The above-mentioned rules for cancellation apply only to those proposals that do not indicate specific and adapted terms and conditions for cancellation. If the Proposal you received contains differently adjusted terms and conditions of cancellation, they will solely be the terms and conditions applicable to the tour you purchased.
The cancellation of 1 or only some of a group's participants, will require a re-computation of the quotation, with an increase of price for all the participants. The payment of this price increase will be due by those that canceled the trip and will be deducted by the refundable amoount.
Tropical Experience Travel Services keeps the right of modifying terms and conditions for cancellations depending on the features of the group and the period of travel. Such changes and adjustments to the terms and conditions shall be reconciled in the itinerary proposal that all clients will receive by e-mail which also shall be attached to the order of payment.
Notes regarding cancellations and modifications caused by Covid-19 (including, but not limited to: positive test results and/or sickness of the client, change of rules and requirements by local government in the country of origin and/or arrival including stop-over country/ies, bureaucratic problems, modification/rescheduling/cancellation of means of transportation and similar).
In case of necessary cancellations and modifications due to the above-mentioned situations and - more generally - of any reason related to Covid-19, Tropical Experience Travel Services applies the same standard terms and conditions published on its website. Tropical Experience Travel Services does not provide special treatments or refunds for the above-mentioned reasons.
Tropical Experience Travel Services acts as intermediary with different local operators who can decide upon their own discretion to provide or not to provide refunds, vouchers, credits or other compensations (which amounts and terms are based solely on their own policies).
Changes of the itinerary
Changes before your reservation
Before your reservation and deposit payment, you can propose all the changes that you need and we will try to satisfy your needs.
Changes before your arrival
If you wish to change your booking after we have received your payment and we accept the change, you will be charged only with agreed additional costs that your change will bring. Anyway, if the new itinerary will bring lower costs, the final price cannot be lower than the one previously agreed.
If we might need changes to your booked travel and itinerary, those changes will be as minor as possible and you will be advised as early as possible through the contact details you provide to us. We will specify the eventual costs of these changes and organize the payment of these changes.
You are kindly requested to accept those changes within 48 hours by e-mail, phone or other means, otherwise we will assume that you have accepted the proposed changes.
Changes after your arrival
Tropical Experience Travel Services tries to provide always the maximum satisfaction to its customers. We ask elasticity to you, since some of our itineraries can be also challenging or require some adaptations. Some changes are part of the experience of travel and might even bring a better experience!
If the organizer of the trip, for any reason, cannot provide an essential part of the services mentioned in the contract, the organizer should propose alternative solutions without any additional cost to the customer. If a service of lower level of what previously agreed will be rendered, the organizer will reimburse the difference of value to the customer.
In case there is no alternative solutions or the proposed solution is refused by the customer for proven and justified reasons, the organizer, without additional costs, will provide a mean of transportation to the starting point of the itinerary (or other eventually agreed places) and will reimburse the customer with an amount made by the difference of planned services and provided services at the moment of the early return.
Very important: we are not responsible for changes which arise as a result of events outside of our control, like technical problems of the means of transportation, rescheduling or cancellation of flights by an airline, bad weather, terrorist activity, natural disasters, wars or other variables not directly under our control.
Furthermore, we are not responsible for variations or behaviors of third party involved in your trip, like boat-drivers, tricycle driver, taxi drivers, van or bus drivers, restaurants, hotels, tour guides etc. etc. Our role is helping you in any of these processes and helping you overcoming all the small problems you could encounter during your trip. We are not anyway responsible for third party behavior and we are not liable for reimbursement or consequences of acts of these third parties.
In case of cancellation of activities/parts of your travel program during the trip
In case it is not possible to proceed with some of the parts of the program (for instance but not only: day tours) because of unforeseen circumstances (bad weather conditions, closure of the attractions or any other impediment), alternative activities of equal value will be proposed.
Alternatively, the above-mentioned activities can be moved to another available day of your tour,.
Only in case of impossibility of proceeding with alternative activities or to recover the programmed activity in another day, you could be eligible for a refund. This refund and its amount solely depends on the terms and conditions applied by the local operator that provides those activities.
In case you are eligible for a refund, Tropical Experience Travel Services will collect the corresponding amount from the above-mentioned local operator. Tropical Experience Travel Services will provide the client with the refund within 30 days after the end of the tour. It is the responsibility of the client to communicate his bank details and other necessary data to Tropical Experience within 7 days after the end of the tour. Details for the refund will be sent by Tropical Experience by e-mail. In case of delay in communicating the required details and data, the refund will be delayed subsequently. The client has a maximum of 1 year to communicate the said bank details, after which the right to receive the refund will cease.
In case you booked our tour through an intermediary like a travel agency, Tropical Experience Travel services will send the refund to the travel agency whom you booked your tour with. It is the responsibility of your travel agency to communicate with us and comply with the requirements. The travel agency will provide the refund to you following the procedures and the timing in and/or their own terms and conditions.
Note that these terms and conditions apply exclusively in case of cancellation of the activity by the local operator and/or by order of public agencies (for instance, cancellation of all tours instructed by the coast guard or local tourism offices). In case the tour is still possible to implement (for instance, the coast guard allows execution of the tour) but you decide - for any reason - not to proceed with the activity, no refunds will be provided.
If we cancel your booking
Even if it is not likely to happen, we reserve the right in any circumstance to cancel your booking. This will not happen less than 30 days before the start of your itinerary unless for reasons out of our control or for non-receipt of your payment in the agreed time. Except for missing payment, if we cancel your booking we will refund all the money paid.
If travel or health documents are required to you by the Philippines, it is your responsibility to procure them. If you fail in obtaining those documents and if these will bring financial penalties to us, you agree to reimburse us accordingly. It is your own responsibility to consult your own doctor prior your travel to be sure to have the necessary personal health status for your trip and needed medications or other precautions.
Hotels, Transportation, Excursions and other services
All transportation conditions are governed by third parties. We have not liability for misbehavior of carrier, airplane companies, vans, taxi drivers, boats, sailors etc etc and all the transportation solutions included in your itinerary. We only provide accompany service and/or reservation service for these means of transportation and we don’t have any responsibility about them.
When you use any accommodations service you are subject to the rules of the hotel or other provided accommodations. We are not responsible for the accommodation providers’ behavior, but we will help you in a reservation that will meet your needs. We only provide accompany service and/or reservation service for your accommodations and we don’t have any responsibility about them.
When you use any accessory service not directly provided by us, like visits to parks, attractions, museums, restaurants, excursions and other services provided by third parties, you are requested to follow the given rules and, also in this case, we don’t have any responsibility about the quality of the service they will give to you.
Only Reservation Services Option
Tropical Experience Travel Services gives you an option to avail only reservation and booking services for accommodations, flights, ferry transfers and/or other travel needs. For clients who choose to be provided with reservation and booking services only (meaning no accompanying Tropical Experience Travel Services guide services during the trip), the organization of the tour shall be totally the client's own responsibility. The client shall be responsible for the following circumstances and events, but not limited to: correct time schedule, itinerary flow, organization of unreserved transfers, trips and activities, interaction and obligations with third party personnel, delays and cancellations, etc.
Termination of your travel
We want to provide a smooth and joyful relationship between tourists, locals and other actors you will interact with, comprising other tourists. You are encouraged to respect the Philippine law and the rules of good manner and education.
We reserve the right in our absolute discretion to terminate your travel without notice should your behavior be such, in our opinion, to break the law, cause distress, damage, annoyance, offense, harassment or danger to any person or thing. In such extreme circumstances, no refund or compensation will be due to you.
Travel Insurance and other health issues
We don’t provide any medical or other kind of insurance, even if we suggest you to travel in the Philippines with a proper health insurance: the purchase and all the issues linked to this are your own responsibility.
The customers must take into account the risks of the travel and provide by themselves for risks like cancellation charges, unexpected medical or other expenses, necessity of repatriation, loss or damage to luggage or other personal belongings. It is also responsibility only of the customer to verify conditions of safety, vaccinations and other health-safety issues, and to take necessary medications and precautions.
All these risks are your own responsibility, as it is your own responsibility to take care of a travel and/or medical insurance: if you fail to do so, you accept your own full responsibility for you and the other members of your group. Furthermore, you indemnify us and our personnel from any of the costs might arise from these risks.
Intellectual property
All materials, texts, characters and photographs contained in this website are property of Tropical Experience Travel Services. You may not (partially or fully) copy, translate, reproduce, modify and publish materials from the websites or without prior authorization only from Tropical Experience Travel Services . If you wish to have this authorization, please send a written permission to specifying what material, how and why. Requests are subject for evaluation and approval. Without a written and explicit authorization in response to your request, the authorization have to be considered denied.
Our clients will receive documents for their trip to the Philippines from Tropical Experience Travel Services. Those documents are intended to be exclusive propriety of Tropical Experience Travel Services and is for the use only of our clients during their trip.
The above-mentioned documents (for instance, but not only: Travel Handbook, Itinerary proposals, Travel Programs, E-mails, contact numbers) should be considered strictly private and is intended only for customers who already reserved a tour. The publication, reproduction and distribution, offline or offline, of those documents is forbidden and Tropical Experience Travel Services has the full right for their immediate removal from online or offline sources.
Privacy Policy
To read our Privacy Policy, click here.
Applicable law
Any contract or dispute between you and us are to be governed by the Philippine law. Both parties agree to submit to the exclusive regional jurisdiction scope of Cainta, Philippines.
This policy has been updated on May 2, 2024. We reserve the right to change our policy at any time. Revisions of this policy will be posted in our website