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Blog - From Italy to the Philippines

A few weeks ago a major Italian newspaper on its online version published my story (Samuele). It is a brief description of the path that took me to the Philippines. Here is the English translation for you.
My name is Samuele, I’m 28 years old, and I live in the Philippines.
I was born in Milan, where I lived until I was 23. Then, I lived in some other Italian cities: Torino (where I studied) and Ferrara (where I worked). 3 years ago, thanks to a scholarship, I moved to Shanghai where I stayed to study for almost 2 years. I left my good job and a well-starting career in Italy, but I couldn’t resist the push to try something new. I never lived abroad before I went to China and I was sure that was something that was “limiting” myself.
As a 25-year old, I said to myself: “When could you ever find a scholarship and a time to leave?”, especially for China. So, with a couple of books written about China given by former colleagues and some celebrations with my family and friends, I left.
After few months, during the first available holiday, I visited the Philippines, one of the countries I always desired to explore. In Shanghai, after some months I met the woman that would have become my wife, a Filipina. We moved to the Philippines when we graduated from our Masters degree. Now, we are dedicated to our tour operator enterprise, which aims to take foreigners to discover the beauty of these 7107 tropical islands, and for obvious reasons Italy is our privileged channel. See
The interest about environment was already part of my job, then a Degree in Geography and some “eco-touristic” explorations in Asia completed the picture..
Once I finished to study (again), I started to ask myself which one was the best country to live in, among Italy and the Philippines, or China or who knows where. I realized that, wherever I go I would encounter sacrifices and that any single choice would bring advantages and disadvantages: to do one thing, is to give up on another. Can I say that 2 years ago my plans were running a tour operator business in the Philippines? Nope. But can I say that I like it? Yes, of course.
You can get your chances and find your “treasure” in a place or you can even recognize that is better to go home: there is nothing bad even in the second option. Also, to say “no” to a departure is a decision that can bring better or less good things.
I think that the important thing is to stay open to possible and unavoidable changes, without fossilizing on ideas like “if I stay in Italy” or “If I go abroad”.
(written on June 2013)