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all the colours of the Philippines, designed your way​


Tropical Experience Travel Services - Tours of the Philippines
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PROJECT 2019: 1 Traveller = 1 Donation to a Student - COMPLETED

Donations to support the Young Focus Foundation in Tondo (Manila), to help economically disadvantaged students.

For every single traveller who will book a trip to the Philippines with Tropical Experience between February 1, 2019 and January 31, 2020, we will donate 5 € to the "Young Focus Foundation". Young Focus grants scholarships to indigent students of the communities of Tondo, Manila.


We've collected

400 €

Not our client but want to participate in our fundraising? You can contribute right now with your credit card! 

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In 2017 and 2018 we organized a fundraising campaign to support Young Focus, a remarkable Foundation that operates in the “Smokey Mountain” area in Tondo, Manila. It's one of the most marginalized areas in the capital of the Philippines.


Young Focus provides skilled assistance to children and young adults in order to access education and have the opportunity to change their lives. 


We are very convinced that education can be a key factor to bring  real change into the lives of these people, of their families and their communities. Education can make these young individuals independent, open new opportunities and most of all give them the chance to secure remunerative and stable jobs that will help them in building different and better lives.


Organizational notes

- the donation to Young Focus will be executed in one single payment at the end of the indicated term (after January 31, 2020). The reporting, including official receipts and other relevant documentations, will be posted in this web page.

- this campaign doesn't impose any additional costs to our clients. The amount of 5 € per traveller will be donated only by Tropical Experience without additional charges or costs to clients or other partners.


PROJECT COMPLETED - Reporting and official documents

You can find here the Official Receipt released by Young Focus, certifying the payment of 24,000 Philippine Pesos made by Tropical Experience. Click here.

Letter Young Focus 2019.png

Do you want to know more about Young Focus?

Check their website .

Click here to read on the reporting of the projects we implemented during 2017 and 2018. They allowed us to donate - through Young Focus - a 1-year scholarship to an elementary school student (2017) and another one to a college student (2018).


The official website of Young Focus is

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